Old Dogs, New Tricks is an exploration of the blooming Social Media phenomena, and how these evolving tools may benefit small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The End of the World

Have you noticed that trends and fads from California and other areas of the world that sweep our country sometimes take a long time, maybe even years, to actualize in Western Pennsylvania?  Depending on the trend itself, this may not be a bad thing.  For this reason, when the end of the world occurs, I want to be in Western PA.......because it may take up to a decade before it happens here!

Small business owners in Western PA who are early adopters of technology and innovation may have a distinct advantage over their competition, simply because other competitors may be slower to change their ways.  In March 2011, the "Small Business Search Marketing Survey" by American Express Open and the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) indicated that nationally 44% of small businesses use social media to market themselves.  But what percentage of small business owners in Western PA are using these social marketing tools effectively

I see a tremendous opportunity for family owned small businesses to level the playing field against the "Big Box" corporations and other competitors.  Wise owners can gain a distinct advantage by capitalizing on the effective use of social media tools.  Those that embrace the opportunity provided by social media have an exciting future.  Those businesses that don't may rapidly be approaching the end of their world.  

The same survey mentioned above also indicated that 82% of small business owners believe that new customers use word of mouth to find their business.  Keep in mind that social media is word of mouth on steroids.  

Thanks for sharing 73 seconds of your day,

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