Old Dogs, New Tricks is an exploration of the blooming Social Media phenomena, and how these evolving tools may benefit small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

VOTING RESULTS: "When will email become obsolete?"

Here are your results to the question,  "When will email become obsolete?":

12%   2013
23%   2015 or later
0%     next year
64%   never

Never?  64% responded never?  Really?

There's a reason that the name "Henry Ford" has such high name recognition today, and hardly anyone can name the top horse carriage and buggy manufacturer from a century ago.  Somehow, things change - - whether we want them to change or anticipate the change.  You remember having to stand by a telephone mounted to a wall of your home to have a phone conversation, don't you?  (Probably the same year that you purchased the stock of that company that serviced pay phones!)

64% responded never?  Never is a long time.

I'll bet the individuals who responded 2013 know more about Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) than I do.

Thank you for your responses!  And for allowing me to tease those who responded "never".  Please Facebook me in 2015 if you're still mad at me, and I'll try to make it right.

Thank you for sharing 67 seconds of your day,

Friday, February 25, 2011

Don't Chase Your Tail In Circles

You're busy.  Everyone's busy.  Truth is, deep in your heart, you honestly believe your life is busier than most other people. 

So why would an old dog like you want to waste time reading about someone on Facebook who is tired of ironing clothes, or thinks their grandchildren are perfect or is still mourning the Steelers' Super Bowl loss (have you been talking to my wife)?  Even if you could wade your way through such trivial information, where would you find the time in your overwhelmed schedule to be a participant?  Why would an old dog like you chase your tail in meaningless circles by reading this stuff?

If you're in the dark about how Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, etc) can actually save you time through networking on steroids, perhaps the less than 2 minute video (see Blog Archive - In The Doghouse) will begin to open your eyes.  Who knows, it might even improve your professional and personal life.  But why would you want to do that, when you can chase your tail the way you always have?

Thanks for sharing 168 seconds of your day,

Social Networking in Plain English

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Don't Get Run Over

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks."  I'm afraid that, if that statement is true, this old dog could get run over by a vehicle with the license plate "FUTUR". 

Fortunately, you can teach old dogs new tricks.  Living proof is my new Facebook page and this blog, neither of which existed three weeks ago.  With this blog only minutes old, I'm following my own advice of not fearing failure and being sufficiently transparent to allow others to benefit from my mistakes as well as my successes.  My hope is that you will have no fear in embracing the future that is upon us.

My inspiration?  In early February, my good friend Mark Helgerman took me to a University of Pittsburgh Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence event that featured speaker Erik Qualman.  To say that I was impressed with Erik would be an understatement.

See why by viewing this powerful 4 minute video by Erik (see Blog Archive - In The Doghouse), and don't get run over by the future.

Thanks for sharing 324 seconds of your day,

Social Media Revolution - Socialnomics.net